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Family Day Out

Hoghton Tower - Castle Icon

Fun for All the Family

There’s something to keep all the family entertained on a day out at Hoghton Tower. Discover local history with an interactive tour then play knights and dragons along the Tower ramparts!

With a colourful range or varied family events throughout the year, including atmospheric ‘spooky’ tours, seasonal trails and live family theatre, and you’ll want to keep coming back.

Visitors of all ages with become spellbound as our guides transport you back nearly 1000 years. Explore the ancient Tower and discover secret passages and dungeons as you hear tales of the famous visitors Hoghton Tower has hosted – from Shakespeare to royalty! And with a live guide, the tours can be pitched to suit each individual group.

Alternatively, you can explore our gardens unguided. Journey into a fairy tale realm of imagination as you unlock our three beautiful walled gardens.

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