Wilderness Garden for Filming and Photography
The Wilderness Garden with its large, lush lawn fringed by a textured herbaceous border and beautiful topiary. Leading to the East Wing are the romantic Dorothy Steps and, just beyond the parapet walls, you can glimpse the ancient fairy-tale woodland.
We’re always delighted for films crews to share our picturesque location with a wider audience. Over the years we’ve welcomed a wide range of productions, including Peaky Blinders, Casanova, Life on Mars, Cold Blood, Last Tango in Halifax, and Sherlock Homes.
Hoghton Tower is situated ten minutes from the M6, M61 and M65; Manchester and Liverpool are an hour away. There are five toilets on site as well as one-bed self-catering accommodation to provide a rest area. Our tea room can deliver onsite catering or you can use the great barn as a canteen for offsite catering.