Hidden Kingdom Team 1200x600 - 8th - 15th April (Selected Dates) - Hidden Kingdom Quest

8th – 15th April (Selected Dates) – Hidden Kingdom Quest

Posted on 20th Jan 2023 | admin

8th, 9th, 10th, 13th, 14th & 15th April.

Brand new for 2023, embark on an interactive quest to find the Hidden Kingdom!

Calling all heroes, the Hidden Kingdom needs your help – our magic is fading!

The Portal is open, for the first time since 1617. The unstable magic that surges in the area has finally cracked open the door that exists between our world and the Hidden Kingdom. Test your bravery, wisdom and cunning as you take part in your own mystical adventure. Learn about the world just beyond yours; where Dragon Riders roam, bandits operate from the shadows, pixies play tricks and legends are made. Make your mark on the Hidden Kingdom and be celebrated as a hero.

For those looking to enter a world of magic and intrigue. Delve into the realm of imagination and join us for an immersive and interactive story telling adventure.  Meet princess Wendsleydale, become the apprentice to Hepzebah the Alchemist, have a chat and a giggle with Eric the dwarf, help us rally against the unsavoury Griggs and his band of robbers with morally questionable quests. Create your own journey once you step through the portal into the Hidden Kingdom.

Suitable for the whole family, and primarily aimed at children from ages 5-10 years. Choose from over 20 quests, come and spend an hour or two or even the whole day.

This event takes place mainly outdoors, all children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult with a ticket at all times.

Fancy dress is strongly encouraged, however, as this is an outdoor event so please ensure everyone dresses for the weather and wears warm layers underneath any costume with comfortable, warm and flat footwear e.g. trainers or boots.

The event will run from 11am – 4pm each day. You can arrive at any time from 11am with the last entry being at 3pm. The event will close at 4pm.

If you have any questions about access, please see the Facilities and Access page on our website for more details.

The tearoom will be open 11am – 4pm. If you would like to take advantage of the children’s lunch package (£5.50), please pre-book to ensure availability. There will be sandwiches, cakes and drinks available for adults to purchase on the day.

Children’s Lunch Package: cheese or ham sandwich, carton of juice, a packet of crisps, a sweet treat and a piece of fruit.

Please include any dietary requirements at the time of booking. Although we take precautions, we are unable to guarantee that any item is free from cross-contamination from any allergen. 

This is a fundraising event in aid of the Hoghton Tower Preservation Trust (Registered Charity Number: 508357). Thank you for helping us to preserve this beautiful historic building and the grounds in which it stands.


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